Congratulations for saying YES to you! This is your time to RISE and be the highest version of who you are meant to be.

As you know 80% of success in life is showing up. This says a lot about you.

This one year program offers you a powerful path that will transform how you FEEL and THINK about yourself.

Your number one priority in LIFE is to be happy about who you are and completely love who you are.

You are Here to Live Above the Line!

I am so passionate about sharing my message and empowering YOU to LIVE ABOVE THE LINE because so many people are suffering unnecessarily. 

As your coach, I will empower you to establish what you really desire and then I will show you the steps whether it is to….

  • be loved and appreciated for who you are. 
  • be valued in your relationships. 
  • fully step into being accountable for your goals and dreams 
  • release negativity, drama, fear, self doubt from your life so you can feel your freedom. 
  • be seen as a successful and respected woman. 
  • connect to your soul and cultivate your intuition. 
  • heal your body and live a long, healthy and fulfilling life. 

 All of the above! 

The Breakthrough Coaching Program prepares you for a Happy Life. 

Coaching is not about just giving you information it is about transformation. You  create openings where as before there were only blind spots and barriers. 

I have a gift of VISION. I can stand in your future and see the path that has been laid out for you. I can not tell you where you are going. I can only guide you. As you release the "mental and emotional" garbage (below the line ) of the past, your life begins to unfold in the most magical and harmonious ways. There is never anything to lose in life...only the truth of who you are to gai

Remember, this program only works if you are committed to the process. So stay committed to creating positive change and living a happy and fulfilling life.